Considerando-me um razoável geek da internet não é sem pudor que confesso nunca antes ter experimentado o famoso Delicious. Mantenho-me um utilizador fiel do Google Reader para seguir o rasto de todos os meus feeds – vocês não fazem ideia – e tem sido um bom suporte da minha página de Itens partilhados. Só recentemente resolvi subscrever a versão remodelada do Delicious e pergunto-me como é que consegui viver sem isto todo este tempo. Assim, a partir de agora, passo a utilizar o My Delicious Bookmarks como bloco de apontamentos, ali registando todas as minhas descobertas interessantes para o vosso prazer de leitura. Podem acompanhar as novidades directamente, subscrevendo o feed ou estando atentos às ligações publicadas na barra lateral do blog. Espero que gostem.
Geek moment
Being an internet geek I’m ashamed to confess that, until a few days ago, I had never experimented the famous bookmarking site Delicious. I’ve been using Google Reader to keep track of all my favorite feeds – you have no idea – and it’s been a trustful host to my Shared Items page for quite some time. I have only recently decided to subscribe the redesigned version of Delicious and I’m just becoming addicted to the beauty of it. So, from now on, I’ll be using My Delicious Bookmarks page as a scrapbook, registering all my interesting findings for your viewing pleasure. You can keep track of my clippings directly, subscribing the feed or simply by keeping an eye on the sidebar. Enjoy.
Hi Daniel!
ResponderEliminarNice watching your bookmarks, I tried to place the Shared Items Clip in my WordpPress blog but couldn't manage to do it. Got to stick with the wonderful My Del.icio.us. Did you know you can display them with "notes" so they resemble ultra-fast posts?
Greetings from a fellow geek-architect & blogger at Sevilla.
Gracias Miguel!
ResponderEliminarI took the liberty of adding you to my del. network and subscribing to your blog feed as well. Thanks for the tip.
Happy blogging.