Kaputt! é um colectivo de oito jovens arquitectos que colaboram desde 2004. Nestes poucos anos de actividade têm vindo a conquistar uma merecida notoriedade, destacando-se o prémio de menção honrosa no competitivo concurso internacional organizado pelo Grupo Carlsberg para a intervenção urbana de larga escala nos terrenos da firma nos arredores de Copenhaga. Mais recentemente foram responsáveis pelo design da Torre Reciclarte, uma instalação para suporte de graffitis construída no âmbito do Festival Oeiras Alive 2007.
É desta equipa que nos chegam agora imagens de um novo projecto já em construção, a Casa dos Sarilhos Grandes, uma habitação unifamiliar situada na sugestiva localidade de Sarilhos, no Montijo. O desenho da casa tem por ponto de partida a separação programática em dois corpos de formas bem distintas. São duas unidades autónomas que fazem diferenciar as áreas sociais das áreas privativas de residência, assumindo essa distinção na volumetria interior – entre a compartimentação mais rigorosa da ala de quartos e a modelação livre dos espaços de convivência colectiva. O contraste de ambientes revela-se também na expressão exterior daqueles volumes, cuja definição se estende no perímetro murado que envolve a área de jardim.

Diferenças de altimetria articulam o espaço social que se abre para o exterior, filtrando a relação visual com o resto da casa. O arranjo funcional é simples, térreo, o volume social desenhado para a vida comunitária da família e a unidade privada para os quartos de dormir. O jardim oferece um espaço exterior íntimo e uma mais generosa entrada de luz natural.

O muro assume-se como parte da arquitectura da casa, tanto pela definição do território que lhe é próximo como pela permeabilidade visual que estabelece com o terreno envolvente. O contexto exterior – um bosque de árvores de fruto e sebes de louro – torna-se assim parte integrante da sua atmosfera.
¶ English
Kaputt!: Single-family house
Kaputt! was founded in 2004 as a platform for the collaborative work of eight young architects. They have earned some notoriety as they were acknowledged with an honorable mention in the international competition organized by the Carlsberg Group, for the large-scale urban development of the company’s property in the outskirts of Copenhagen.
I am proud to present you one of their latest projects: a single family house located in the village of Sarilhos Grandes, in Montijo, Portugal. The house plan is determined from the programmatic separation of two distinct bodies; two autonomous units that differentiate the social and private areas of the residence. This distinction is exposed both on its internal organization and on the external expression of the architectural volumetry, whose definition is extended by the walled perimeter that encircles the garden area.
The functional setting is simple. The social volume is more organic, designed for the communitarian family life, in sharp contrast with the private wing. The garden offers an intimate external space and a generous entrance of natural light.
The garden wall is also assumed as part of the architecture of the house, as it suggests a filtered visual connection with the external territory, its trees and hedges becoming a part of its enveloping atmosphere.

Architecture: Kaputt!
# / English Edition
Kaputt! was founded in 2004 as a platform for the collaborative work of eight young architects. They have earned some notoriety as they were acknowledged with an honorable mention in the international competition organized by the Carlsberg Group, for the large-scale urban development of the company’s property in the outskirts of Copenhagen.
I am proud to present you one of their latest projects: a single family house located in the village of Sarilhos Grandes, in Montijo, Portugal. The house plan is determined from the programmatic separation of two distinct bodies; two autonomous units that differentiate the social and private areas of the residence. This distinction is exposed both on its internal organization and on the external expression of the architectural volumetry, whose definition is extended by the walled perimeter that encircles the garden area.
The functional setting is simple. The social volume is more organic, designed for the communitarian family life, in sharp contrast with the private wing. The garden offers an intimate external space and a generous entrance of natural light.
The garden wall is also assumed as part of the architecture of the house, as it suggests a filtered visual connection with the external territory, its trees and hedges becoming a part of its enveloping atmosphere.

Architecture: Kaputt!
# / English Edition
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