Um pouco mais a sério, recomendo a leitura do artigo What about austerity?, publicado no O texto tem co-autoria de Juan Enriquez, ensaísta reputado no campo da economia e da ciência, mais conhecido pelas suas apresentações regulares no TED.
O artigo levanta uma questão curiosa: que na torrente de opiniões em torno das medidas de resgate financeiro por parte dos Estados parece existir uma palavra que desapareceu – austeridade.
A tese dominante parece sustentar que só gastando mais dinheiro se poderá sanar a crise proveniente do sistema de crédito. Enriquez não afirma que tais medidas não sejam necessárias, mas ressalva que na falta de medidas de austeridade da parte de países deficitários – que gastam mais do que produzem – tais políticas podem não passar de um adiamento da crise.
Para terminar recomendo vivamente a visualização das duas apresentações de Juan Enriquez no TEDTalks. Apesar da especificidade dos temas, a sua habilidade para expor conceitos abrangentes é admirável. Na palestra Decoding the future with genomics refere um dado interessante. Numa civilização agrícola a diferença entre os mais ricos e os mais pobres era de 5 para 1. Ou seja, que a escala de variação de produtividade – em função da capacidade tecnológica, de maiores jornadas de trabalho ou maior sucesso nas colheitas – se repercutia num incremento máximo de 5 vezes. Hoje, a diferença relativa entre os países mais e menos produtivos do mundo é de 427 para 1. Ou seja, o enquadramento económico de hoje, baseado no conhecimento, alterou as regras do jogo da competitividade. A segunda apresentação, Why can't we grow new energy?, aprofunda ainda mais esta correlação entre desenvolvimento tecnológico e capacidade produtiva. Vale a pena reflectir sobre isto questionando alguns dos paradigmas com que por vezes se discute entre nós a questão da competitividade. Perante tão amplos diferenciais de produtividade o sucesso dificilmente estará à distância de pequenos artifícios de flexibilidade laboral; antes dependerá da nossa capacidade em revolucionar os padrões de conhecimento e inovação, e a consequência das instituições académicas sobre a actividade económica real.
¶ English
How to explain the financial crisis to your kids
How To Explain The 2008 US Financial Crisis To Your Kids (And Most Adults): a small animated video produced by Say It Visually! presents an explanation on the reasons behind the current financial crisis in very simple terms. The animation is not very elaborate but the message is surprisingly effective.
For something related, I recommend the article What about austerity? published on, co-authored by Juan Enriquez, a distinguished thinker in the field of economics and science, also known for his presentations on TED.
His article raises a curious question: that in the stream of opinions regarding the current financial bailout there is one word notably missing: austerity. The dominant thesis seems to be that only spending more money can we prevent a full-blown crisis that, we should notice, was originated in the credit system. Enriquez isn’t saying that such measures aren’t necessary, but he points out that for deficitary nations, these policies may simply be a postponement of the real crisis.
I also recommend watching the two presentations delivered by Juan Enriquez on TEDTalks. Although the subjects are quite specific, his ability to expose universal concepts is truly admirable. In Decoding the future with genomics he presents an interesting fact. In an agricultural society, the difference between the richest and the poorest was 5 to 1. Which means that in such a productivity range - regarding technological capacity and more intensive labour – a successful production would amount to an increase up to 5 times. Today, the differential between more and less productive nations is of 427 to 1. Meaning that in our contemporary economic system, which is based on knowledge, the rules of competitiveness have radically changed.
His second presentation, Why can't we grow new energy?, deepens this relationship between technological development and productive capacity. So today, achieving competitiveness doesn’t rely only on labour flexibility, but depends on our capacity to revolutionize knowledge and innovation patterns. Meaning that a more consequent impact from academic institutions over the real economy is absolutely crucial.
# / English Edition
How To Explain The 2008 US Financial Crisis To Your Kids (And Most Adults): a small animated video produced by Say It Visually! presents an explanation on the reasons behind the current financial crisis in very simple terms. The animation is not very elaborate but the message is surprisingly effective.
For something related, I recommend the article What about austerity? published on, co-authored by Juan Enriquez, a distinguished thinker in the field of economics and science, also known for his presentations on TED.
His article raises a curious question: that in the stream of opinions regarding the current financial bailout there is one word notably missing: austerity. The dominant thesis seems to be that only spending more money can we prevent a full-blown crisis that, we should notice, was originated in the credit system. Enriquez isn’t saying that such measures aren’t necessary, but he points out that for deficitary nations, these policies may simply be a postponement of the real crisis.
I also recommend watching the two presentations delivered by Juan Enriquez on TEDTalks. Although the subjects are quite specific, his ability to expose universal concepts is truly admirable. In Decoding the future with genomics he presents an interesting fact. In an agricultural society, the difference between the richest and the poorest was 5 to 1. Which means that in such a productivity range - regarding technological capacity and more intensive labour – a successful production would amount to an increase up to 5 times. Today, the differential between more and less productive nations is of 427 to 1. Meaning that in our contemporary economic system, which is based on knowledge, the rules of competitiveness have radically changed.
His second presentation, Why can't we grow new energy?, deepens this relationship between technological development and productive capacity. So today, achieving competitiveness doesn’t rely only on labour flexibility, but depends on our capacity to revolutionize knowledge and innovation patterns. Meaning that a more consequent impact from academic institutions over the real economy is absolutely crucial.
# / English Edition
Thanks for watching our short video on the financial crisis; we really appreciate your compliment about the effectiveness of the message. That's what we were hoping to accomplish.
Agradecimentos para prestar atenção a nosso vídeo curto na crise financeira; nós apreciamos realmente seu elogio sobre a eficácia da mensagem. That' s o que nós estávamos esperando realizar.
Obrigado por partilhares.
ResponderEliminarAcho que vou usar isto na faculdade :-)
Um abraço.
SIV: You're very welcome. Keep up the good work and thanks for visiting!
ResponderEliminarZM: Por aqui gostamos de agradar. Um abraço de volta!