Image credits: Fernando Guerra, Paju, South Korea, September 2008.
Podia dizer-se que Álvaro Siza já recebeu quase todos os prémios de arquitectura conhecidos, incluindo o Prémio Pritzker em 1992, a Medalha Alvar Aalto em 1998 e o Wolf Prize in Arts em 2001. Siza foi agora galardoado com o mais prestigiado prémio de arquitectura britânico: a Royal Gold Medal for Architecture, entregue pelo Royal Institute of British Architects em nome da Rainha Isabel II.
Curiosamente, o mais celebrado arquitecto português nunca construiu um edifício permanente no Reino Unido, ressalvando o Pavilhão de Verão da Serpentine Gallery em 2005 projectado em colaboração com Eduardo Souto Moura e Cecil Balmond. As obras mais destacadas de Álvaro Siza incluem as famosas Piscinas de Leça da Palmeira, a Casa de Chá da Boa Nova e a Igreja de Santa Maria em Marco de Canavezes. Actualmente com 75 anos, Siza continua bastante activo. Entre os seus projectos mais recentes encontram-se a Adega Mayor, o Pavilhão de Anyang e o Complexo Desportivo Ribera Serralo (Piscinas Públicas) em Barcelona.
Podem visitar a biblioteca online Últimas SIZA para aceder a um vasto conjunto de projectos, com imagens de Fernando Guerra.
¶ English

Image credits: Fernando Guerra, Paju, South Korea, September 2008.
Álvaro Siza receives RIBA’s Royal Gold Medal
One could say that Álvaro Siza has won almost every architectural award known to man, including the Pritzker Prize in 1992, the Alvar Aalto Medal in 1998 and the Wolf Prize in Arts in 2001. Siza has now been awarded with the most distinguished British architecture prize: the Royal Gold Medal for Architecture by the Royal Institute of British Architects.
Interestingly enough, the most renowned Portuguese architect has never built a permanent structure in the UK aside from the Serpentine Gallery’s 2005 Summer Pavilion in London, which was designed in collaboration with Eduardo Souto de Moura and Cecil Balmond. Álvaro Siza’s most celebrated creations include the famous Swimming Pools at Leça da Palmeira, the Boa Nova Tea House and the Santa Maria Church at Marco de Canavezes. Currently at the age of 75, Siza remains incredibly active. Among his latest projects you can find works such as the Adega Mayor (Mayor Winery), the Anyang Pavilion and the Ribera Serralo Sports Complex (Swimming Pools) in Barcelona.
You can visit the web-based library Últimas SIZA for an extensive set of projects, courtesy of Fernando Guerra.
External references: Guardian: New wave hero Portuguese architect wins UK's most prestigious prize, Guardian: A Gold Medal for Siza? About time, The Architect’s Journal: Álvaro Siza scoops RIBA Royal Gold Medal.
# / English Edition
funny photo, o momento decisivo. depois daquela célebre de visita à malagueira ; )
ResponderEliminaralvaro siza, der beste architekt im bereich der organischen architektur weltweit.